Hai minna...its friday and i've got nothing to do..so i just sit infront of my laptop and surfing for anyhting that caught my attention..at last i remember that i want to draw something i mean ofcourse its anime..im not good at drawing tough..haha..its up to you to judge my drawings..
This year i've got hooked and win in several drawing competition in my school its because we're in form 4 now and we dont have any big examination coming..so we can relax a bit..haha..so back to my drawing today..i surf the google to find decent anime to draw and i found some..its good and fun!~ i love drawing a lot..because Dun Qrash also love to draw too..thats my BFFL!! ahaha..
so this are some of my drawing..

i paint it tough



yo..Today...hahahahaha...ketawa dulu...hontoni calee happened today..but its only involve DunQrash..as u all know one of my frens is a royal ...haha inda kamu tau tu sapa...then whats royal VS royal means ofcourse we, DunQrash had a fight with the another royal(our enemy)..
Its not like we 'cari kelai' with her...i think her attitude was hontoni 'temeng'!! cemana nah ya pgl kami?? " eh~ ko cari kelaie ngan kami kan??" Da~!!! I mean we're the seniors~!! and they were just form ONE students!! and they didnt respect their seniors!! and that royal girl, she pulled one of my friend's hand(royalty in DunQrash) sampai tepusing2 bdan my friend ani!! and she got bruise in her wrist too!! doshiyou??? mmg 'R' cematu or....whatever lah..wlaupun ya 'R' inda jua pyh kan membuli orang lain kli ah~
wohohohhohooh ashita lagi sambung cerita...and wait for the keputusan..
Yesterday, like always went to school but since there're many teachers that busy preparing for our exam paper, so they didnt came to our class..(tebalik tia plg ptutnya kami yg sibuk)...wohohohoh..
So we didnt waste our precious time..ahaha we chit chat and sketching like always..buang boreng...and then we came up with the idea to write our group name using our first letter in our name..and it's:
-Dun Qrash-meaning: Dun--> its arabic language and in malay its mean tanpa, and qrash since we cant find decent meaning for this one so we decided to put the meaning as "Crush" in english but since its arabic..diarabkan jdi QRASH...wohohohoh..so if we put the meaning together..its mean like dont crush our friendship of ZQ...hahaha..
This morning we went beraya to KB to my uncle's house at Pandan 7..arrive at KB around 11 am..wah~ harahetta!~ but sekali sekala lah katakan..its like we went to my uncle's house only once in a year cause its soo far away..
Demo., we had to return to Brunei early haha mcm inda puas disana~..here's some pic..

with my cousins,aunt,grandma and bro..

guess who's this? wohhoohoho
yesterday night, went to my aunt house at tasek meradun(i tink thats what my mom called)..and firstly we read the tahlil for our uncle and then we had our mkn..woah yummy i like the mushroom soup that my aunt made..thanks babu niah for all the yummy food! i give two thumbs up..wohohohoho..
I've heard that, we're going to have fireworks..so we went outside to watch it..bermula from the small fireworks and end with the biggest one..hahaha it's sooo hontoni amazing and beautiful...its like 'wow' i've never seen like that too hampir..wohohoh syian...and not to mention all the neighbourhood went to outside too to watch the fireworks..syiok berabis!
so that time, sampat lgi ngambil pics eventhough its dark..wohohoho..
mula yg damit..hohoh suspen dulu..

one of the biggest..hontoni kirei..


woah!~ this year ramadhan..its like i didnt realise its already syawal!! so its true that in this zaman the time becoming little by little we cant realise it how much it already pass..btw Selamat Hari Raya to all muslim people around the world..
And to all muslims dont get extravagant over something okey...especially on your cloth or anything la..wohohohoho..k..matta ne..here's article bout raya, better read it..haha
- Mengkhususkan Ziarah Kubur
Ziarah kubur merupakan perkara yang dianjurkan oleh syari’at kita, selama di dalamnya tak ada pelanggaran, seperti melakukan kesyirikan, dan perbuatan bid’ah (perkara yang tak ada contohnya). Nabi -Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam- bersabda,
زُوْرُوْا الْقُبُوْرَ فَإِنَّهَا تُذَكِّرُكُمْ الآخِرَةَ
"Berziarahlah ke kubur, karena sesungguhnya ia akan mengingatkan kalian tentang akhirat". [HR. Ibnu Majah (1569). Hadits ini di-shohih-kan Al-Albaniy dalam Shohih Al-Adab (518)]
Adapun jika di dalam ziarah terdapat perbuatan kesyirikan (seperti, berdoa kepada orang mati, meminta sesuatu kepadanya, dan mengharap darinya sesuatu), maka ini adalah ziarah yang terlarang. Demikian pula, jika dalam ziarah ada perbuatan bid’ah (tak ada contohnya dalam syari’at), seperti mengkhususkan waktu, dan tempat ziarah kubur, maka ini adalah ziarah yang terlarang. Nabi -Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam- bersabda,
مَنْ أَحْدَثَ فِيْ أَمْرِنَا هَذَا مَا لَيْسَ فِيْهِ فَهُوَ رَدٌّ
"Barangsiapa yang mengada-ada dalam urusan agama kami sesuatu yang bukan termasuk darinya, maka sesuatu itu akan tertolak". [HR. Al-Bukhoriy (2550), dan Muslim (1718)]
Jadi, mengkhususkanziarah kuburdi awal Romadhon, dan hari raya merupakan perkara yang terlarang, karena ia termasuk bid’ah, tak ada tuntunannya dari Nabi -Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam- dan para sahabat dalam mengkhususkannya. Mereka berziarah kapan saja, tak ada waktu, dan tempat khusus ketika ziarah kubur. Yang jelas, bisa mengingat mati sesuai sunnah.
- Berjabat Tangan antara Seorang Lelaki dengan Wanita yang Bukan Mahram
Berjabatan tangan antara kaum muslimin ketika bersua adalah yang lumrah, baik itu di hari raya, atau selainnya. Namun ada satu hal perlu kami ingatkan bahwa berjabatan tangan dengan wanita yang bukan mahram kita -khususnya-, ini dilarang dalam agama kita, karena ia tak halal disentuh. Nabi -Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam- bersabda,
لَأَنْ يُطْعَنَ فِيْ رَأْسِ رَجُلٍ بِمِخْيَطٍ مِنْ حَدِيْدٍ خَيْرُ لَهُ مِنْ أَنْ يَمَسَّ امْرَأَةً لَا تَحِلُّ لَهُ
"Andaikan kepala seseorang di cerca dengan jarum besi, itu lebih baik (ringan) baginya dibandingkan menyentuh seorang wanita yang tak halal baginya". [HR. Ar-Ruyaniy dalam Al-Musnad (227/2), dan Ath-Thobroniy dalam Al-Kabir (486, & 487)]
Al-Allamah Syaikh Muhammad Nashir Al-Albaniy-rahimahullah- berkata setelah menguatkan sanad hadits diatas dalam Ash-Shohihah (1/1/448), "Dalam hadits ini terdapat ancaman yang keras bagi orang yang menyentuh wanita yang tak halal baginya. Jadi, di dalamnya juga ada dalil yang menunjukkan haramnya berjabat tangan dengan para wanita (yang bukan mahram), karena berjabat tangan dicakup oleh kata "menyentuh", tanpa syak. Perkara seperti ini telah menimpa kebanyakan kaum muslimin di zaman ini. (Namun sayang),diantara mereka ada yang berilmu andaikan ia ingkari dalam hatinya, maka masalahnya sedikit agak ringan. Cuman mereka ini berusaha meghalalkannya dengan berbagai jalan, dan takwil. Telah sampai suatu berita kepada kami bahwa ada seorang tokoh besar di Al-Azhar telah disaksikan oleh sebagian orang sedang berjabat tangan dengan para wanita !! Hanya kepada Allah tempat kita mengadu dari keterasingan Islam".
Saking asingnya, orang berilmu saja tak tahu atau pura-pura tak tahu tentang haramnya jabat tangan dengan wanita yang bukan mahram.
- Mencukur Jenggot
Jenggot adalah lambang kejantanan pria muslim yang diharuskan dan diwajibkan untuk dijaga dan dipanjangkan. Dengarkan perintah Nabi -Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam- bersabda,
أُحْفُوْا الشَّوَارِبَ وَأْعْفُوْا اللِّحَى
"Potonglah (tepi) kumis, dan biarkanlah (panjangkan) jenggot". [HR. Al-Bukhoriy (5553), dan Muslim (259)]
Perintah Nabi -Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam- dalam hadits ini mengandung hukum wajibnya memelihara jenggot, dan membiarkannya tumbuh.[Lihat Madarij As-Salikin (3/46) karya Ibnul Qoyyim, cet. Dar Al-Kitab Al-Arabiy]
Para ulama’ dari kalangan Malikiyyah berkata, "Haram mencukur jenggot". [Lihat Al-Fiqh ala Al-Madzahib Al-Arba’ah (2/45)]
Namun amat disayangkan, lambang kejantanan ini dipangkas, bahkan dibabat habis oleh sebagian orang yang mengikuti Nabi -Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam- dalam segala urusannya. Mereka tak sadar bahwa jenggot adalah perkara yang diperhatikan oleh Nabi -Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam- sampai beliau mewajibkannya atas pria muslim.
Kebiasaan jelek ‘mencukur dan memangkas jenggot’ sudah mendarah daging dalam pribadi mereka sehingga di hari raya ied kita akan menyaksikan pemandangan yang mengerikan dengan maraknya gerakan "Pangkas dan Gundul Jenggot" di kalangan kaum muslimin, baik yang tua, apalagi remaja!!
Syaikh Al-Albaniy-rahimahullah- berkata, "Maksiat ini (cukur jenggot) termasuk maksiat yang paling banyak tersebar di antara kaum muslimin di zaman ini, karena berkuasanya orang-orang kafir (para penjajah) atas kebanyakan negeri-negeri mereka, mereka juga (para penjajah itu) menularkan maksiat ini ke negeri-negeri itu; serta adanya sebagian kaum muslimin taqlid kepada mereka, padahal Nabi -Shollallahu ‘alaihi wasallam- melarang mereka dari hal itu secara gamblang dalam sabdanya -Shollallahu ‘alaihi wasallam-
خَالِفُوْا الْمُشْرِكِيْنِ اُحْفُوْا الشَّوَارِبَ وَأَوْفُوْا اللِّحَى
" Selisihilah orang-orang musyrikin, potonglah (pinggir kumis kalian, dan biarkanlah (perbanyaklah) kalian". ".[HR. Al-Bukhoriy (5553), dan Muslim (259)]". [Lihat Hajjah An-Nabi -Shollallahu ‘alaihi wasallam- (hal. 7)]
- Mengadakan Lomba dan Balapan Kendaraan di Jalan Raya
Sudah menjadi kebiasaan buruk menimpa sebagian tempat di Indonesia Raya, adanya sebagian pemuda yang ugal-ugalan memamerkan "kelincahan" (baca: kenakalan) mereka dalam mengendarai motor atau mobil di malam hari raya. Ulah ugal-ugalan seperti ini bisa mengganggu, dan membuat takut bagi kaum muslimin yang berseliweran, dan berada dekat dengan TKP (tempat kejadian peristiwa). Bahkan terkadang mereka menabrak sebagian orang sehingga orang-orang merasa kaget dan takut lewat, karena mendengar suara dentuman knalpot mereka yang dirancang bagaikan suara meriam. Padahal di dalam Islam, Nabi -Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam- melarang kita mengagetkan seorang muslim.
Abdur Rahman bin Abi Laila berkata, "Sebagian sahabat Muhammad -Shollallahu ‘alaihi wasallam- menceritakan kami bahwa mereka pernah melakukan perjalanan bersama Nabi -Shollallahu ‘alaihi wasallam- . Maka tidurlah seorang laki-laki diantara mereka. Sebagian orang mendatangi tali yang ada pada laki-laki itu seraya mengambil tali itu, dan laki-laki itu pun kaget. Maka Nabi -Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam- bersabda,
لَايَحِلُّ لِمُسْلِمٍ أَنْ يُرَوِّعَ مُسْلِمًا
"Tidak halal bagi seorang muslim untuk membuat takut seorang muslim". [HR. Abu Dawud (5004). Di-shohih-kan oleh Al-Albaniy dalam Ghoyah Al-Maram (447)]
Jika dibanding antara kagetnya sahabat yang tertidur ini akibat ulah temannya dengan kaget, dan takutnya kaum muslimin yang lewat atau berada di lokasi balapan, maka kita bisa pastikan bahwa balapan liar seperti ini, hukumnya haram. Apalagi pemerintah sendiri melarang hal tersebut, karena menelurkan bahaya bagi diri mereka, dan masyarakat !! Fa’tabiruu ya ulil abshor…
- Berdzikir dengan Tabuhan dan Suara Musik
Berdzikir adalah ibadah yang harus didasari oleh sunnah (tuntunan) Nabi -Shollallahu ‘alaihi wasallam- dalam perkara tata cara, waktu, dan tempatnya. Jika suatu dzikir, caranya tidak sesuai sunnah, misalnya dzikir jama’ah, dzikir dengan suara musik, dzikir sambil joget, dan lainnya, maka dzikir tersebut adalah bid’ah (ajaran baru) yang tertolak. Nabi -Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam- bersabda,
مَنْ أَحْدَثَ فِيْ أَمْرِنَا هَذَا مَا لَيْسَ فِيْهِ فَهُوَ رَدٌّ
"Barangsiapa yang mengada-ada dalam urusan agama kami sesuatu yang bukan termasuk darinya, maka sesuatu itu akan tertolak". [HR. Al-Bukhoriy (2550), dan Muslim (1718)]
Jadi, dzikir (diantaranya takbiran ied), jika diiringi suara musik, maka ini adalah bid’ah yang tidak mendapatkan pahala, bahkan dosa. Oleh karenanya, kita sesalkan sebagian kaum muslimin bertakbir dengan beduk, gitar, suara orgen, bahkan anehnya lagi mereka ramu dengan bumbu musik ala "Disco Remix", Na’udzu billah min dzalik !!!!
Al-Imam Asy-Syafi’iy-rahimahullah- berkata ketika beliau mengingkari taghbir (dzikir yang diiringi tabuhan rebana atau pukulan tongkat), "Aku tinggalkan di Kota Baghdad sesuatu yang diada-adakan oleh kaum zindiq (munafik) yang mereka sebut dengan "taghbir" untuk menyibukkan manusia dari Al-Qur’an". [Lihat Hilyah Al-Auliya’ (9/146)]
Belum lagi, Nabi -Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam- telah mengharamkan musik. Beliau -Shollallahu ‘alaihi wasallam- bersabda,
لَيَكُوْنَنَّ مِنْ أُمَّتِيْ أَقْوَامٌ يَسْتَحِلُّوْنَ الْحِرَّ وَالْحَرِيْرَ وَالْخَمْرَ وَالْمَعَازِفَ
"Benar-benar akan ada beberapa kaum diantara ummatku akan menghalalkan zina, sutra, minuman keras, dan musik". [HR. Al-Bukhoriy dalam Shohih-nya (5268)]
- Sholat di Atas Koran dan Sesuatu yang Bergambar
Hari raya ied merupakan hari bergembira dan beribadah bagi kaum muslimin. Mereka berbondong-bondong menuju ke lapangan untuk melaksanakan sholat ied dalam rangka beribadah dan menampakkan persatuan kaum muslimin. Tapi ada satu hal yang mengundang perhatian, ketika mereka ke lapangan, mereka membawa surat kabar alias koran atau yang bergambar (seperti, baju) untuk dijadikan alas. Gambar yang terdapat di koran itu sering kali nampak di depan mata mereka ketika sholat, sehingga mengganggu ke-khusyu’-an mereka dalam sholat.
A’isyah -radhiyallahu ‘anhu- berkata, "Sesungguhnya Nabi -Shollallahu ‘alaihi wasallam- pernah sholat menggunakan khomishoh (pakaian) yang memiliki corak. Maka Nabi -Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam- melihat kepada pakaian itu dengan sekali pandangan. Tatkala usai sholat, beliau bersabda,
اِذْهَبُوْا بِخَمِيْصَتِيْ هَذِهِ إِلَى أَبِيْ جَهْمٍ وَأْتُوْنِيْ بِأَنْبِجَانِيَّةِ أَبِيْ جَهْمٍ فَإِنَّهَا أَلْهَتْنِيْ آنِفًا عَنْ صَلَاتِيْ
"Bawalah khomishoh-ku ini ke Abu Jahm, dan bawa kepadaku Anbijaniyyah (pakaian tak bercorak) milik Abu Jahm, karena khomishoh ini tadi telah melalaikanku dalam sholat". [HR. Al-Bukhoriy dalam Shohih-nya (366), dan Muslim dalam Shohih-nya (556)]
Al-Imam Ath-Thibiy-rahimahullah- berkata, "Dalam hadits Anbijaniyyah (hadits di atas) terdapat pemberitahuan bahwa gambar, dan hal-hal yang mencolok memiliki pengaruh bagi hati yang bersih, dan jiwa yang suci, terlebih lagi yang di bawahnya".[Lihat Umdah Al-Qoriy (4/94)]
Pengaruh gambar sangat besar bagi seseorang, apalagi saat sholat. Dia bisa menghilangkan kekhusyu’an. Terlebih lagi jika gambarnya adalah manusia. Oleh karena itu Nabi -Shollallahu ‘alaihi wasallam- meminta baju lain yang tak bergambar. Tragisnya lagi, jika kita sedang sholat, sedang di depan kita terdapat gambar seorang wanita cantik !!
Yesterday, me, ren nee and tian nee went to sungkai at CAM at yayasan..woah..before that we jammed at qiulap and arrived around 6..
Tian nee had her friends there and they made surprise bufday to tian nee and teir other friends..baik jua ku bawa camera..smpt jua ambil pic..ohohoh..
then, we went jln2 at yayasan but only for awhile..then kami balik tia..on our way home..there's an accident at Tg bunut..the light was tumbang oleh krita atu...pdantah gelap rupanya lampu tgh2 atu jatuh..
u know what? we want to take the accident pic but unfortunately glap sangat ytah inda nampak..and we went there balik2 around 2 times semata2 kan ngambil gmbr..haha..silly~
akhirnya we didnt get any picture because its just too dark to take..


Seorang gadis cilik bertanya pada Ayahnya
“Abi…ceritakan padaku tentang Akhwat Sejati”
Sang Ayah pun menoleh dan tersenyum seraya menjawab
Akhwat Sejati bukanlah dilihat dari kecantikan paras wajahnya, tetapi dari
kecantikan hati yang ada dibaliknya.
Akhwat Sejati bukan dilihat dari bentuk tubuhnya yang mempesona, tapi dilihat dari
sejauh mana Ia menutupi bentuk tubuhnya.
Akhwat Sejati bukan dilihat dari begitu banyak kebaikan yang diberikan, tetapi dari
keikhlasan Ia memberikan kebaikan itu.
Akhwat Sejati bukan dilihat dari seberapa indah lantunan suaranya, tetapi dari
apa yang sering mulutnya bicarakan.
Akhwat Sejati bukan dilihat dari keahlIannya berbahasa, tetapi dilihat dari bagaimana caranya berbicara.
Sang Ayah terdIam sembari menatap putrinya
“Lantas apa lagi Abi…?”
Ketahuilah putriku….
Akhwat Sejati bukan dilihat dari keberaniannya berpakaian, tetapi dilihat dari
sejauh mana Ia berani mempertaruhkan kehormatannya.
Akhwat Sejati bukan dilihat dari kekhawatirannya digoda orang di jalan, tetapi dilihat dari
kekhawatirannya yang mengundang orang jadi tergoda.
Akhwat Sejati bukanlah dilihat dari seberapa banyak dan besarnya ujIan yang Ia jalani, tetapi dilihat dari
sejauh mana Ia menghadapi ujian itu dengan Syukur.
Dan Ingatlah…!!!
Akhwat Sejati bukanlah dilihat dari sifat supelnya dalam bergaul, tetapi dilihat dari
sejauh mana Ia bisa menjaga kehormatannya dalam bergaul.
Setelah itu Sang anak kembali bertanya
“Siapakah yang dapat menjadi kriteria seperti itu Abi…?”
Sang Ayah memberikan sebuah buku dan berkata
“Pelajarilah mereka!!”
Sang anak pun mengambil buku itu dan terlihat sebuah tulisan
Meski kita bukanlah salah satu dari Istri Nabi
Tapi meneladaninya adalah sebuah bentuk kecintaan kita terhadap
Allah SWT.

WOAH!~~~ Hontoni kawaiie van..i want van like that~
Mitsubishi's latest MIEV (Mitsubishi In-wheel motor Electric Vehicle) concept, part of the company's long-term study of putting cars' (electric) power at the wheel, had its close-up in Geneva. Designed by Mitsubishi Design Europe (MDE), the Concept-EZ was derived as an "Urban Capsule" (escape pod?) and although it has the profile of a compact car, its interior space equals that of a larger minivan. The van-shaped sci-fi wagon also offers three predefined interior "modes" tuned to different "moods," or needs: One for passenger space, one for storage space and one -- a club-like setting with audio and video players -- for lounging. A smoking jacket, pipe, and the entire 1968 season of "Playboy After Dark" on DVD are optional.
Volkswagen has cooked up yet another fun variation of its iconic New Beetle with the Ragster concept. With stripes that remind of "Herbie the Love Bug," the Ragster gives the cuddly car an aggressive appearance with a street-rod-style roof chop. Press a button on the steering wheel and the cloth top lowers back, leaving the arced roof structure intact. Slight changes to the front lamps add to the snarky appearance, with the headlights taking a more oval shape and the turn signals being wider and flatter. Redlined tires and massive 19-inch wheels give it a decidedly Hot Wheels appearance. More than an auto show toy, Volkswagen claims to be considering such a variant.
The Prophet of Islam made a number of notable predictions which have been recorded in the books of hadith. One of these being that, in the final phase of human life on earth, the word of Islam will reach all human beings inhabiting this world. In other words, future times will see the intellectual ascendancy of Islam.
However, if the word of God is to be brought into every home, conditions must exist which will favor the success of such a mission. Without such conditions no such goal can be reached. Fortunately, recent studies show that as a result of revolutions occurring over the last several years, conditions now prevail which are more conducive than ever to the communication of the Islamic message. That process having been set in motion, individuals from different communities have begun embracing Islam in countries all over the world. Now, the need of the hour is for servants of God to arise and, by fully availing of new opportunities, play a decisive role in the last and most significant chapter of Islamic da‘wah.
Da‘wah is the real strength of Islam. It is through da‘wah that Islam makes continuous progress. That is why, in every age, believers have seen fit to engage themselves in this task. Today, there are greater opportunities than hitherto to make Islamic da‘wah a success. The communication of the message of God has certainly been going on in every age. But now modern circumstances have made it possible for this task to be performed with a greater degree of efficacy than ever before, and on a truly universal scale.
Today, opportunities to carry out da‘wah work are legion. But I shall cite only a few examples to illustrate my point.
Proof of the Existence of God
Rationalists have habitually attempted to deny the existence of God by asking, "If God created the universe, who created God?" Now, as we are nearing the end of the 20th century, it has become possible to answer this question on a purely rational level. This new possibility arises out of the big bang theory, which has now gained general acceptance among cosmologists. With the big bang theory, we have necessarily to accept a first cause underlying the creation of the universe. That is, if there were no cause, the universe would not have existed. It has made it possible for us to tell the rationalists that all along they have been giving their attention to a wrong set of options. In their view, a choice had to be made between a universe with God and a universe without God, whereas the real choice was between a universe with God and no universe at all. Since we cannot opt for a non-existent universe, we are compelled to choose the universe with God.
Validity of Inferential Argument
To prove Islamic belief in the unseen world, our religious scholars have so far used inferential argument. That is, they suppose an unknown reality on the basis of a known reality. The rationalists’ view of this argument was that its method was academically invalid, as it was based on the principle of indirect argument. They demanded to be given an argument of a direct nature. Only then would they accept it.
In this matter—as in material matters—the river of science has been flowing in favor of Islam. The above objection had apparently carried weight in the days when the study of science was macro-cosmic in scope. But as soon as scientific research began to delve into the micro-cosmic world, the balance tipped in favor of inferential argument. For it was revealed that the deeper realities of nature itself were those which did not come under the sphere of direct argument. For instance, the establishment of the existence of oxygen or X-rays is arrived at by indirect or inferential argument. Modern philosophers, such as Bertrand Russell, have demonstrated that inferential argument is as valid as indirect argument.
That is why, in science itself, inferential argument is held to be valid. Without it, scientific study could not be continued in the microcosmic world. In this way, a new chapter on unseen realities has been opened for the da‘is.
I was once asked by a non-believer by what set of criteria I establish the existence of God. I replied that it was the self-same criteria on which he himself relied. He remained silent at this. For he knew full well that his own scientific concepts were proved by means of inferential argument. So when inferential argument is valid in non-religious fields, it will certainly be valid in the field of religion.Historical Credibility of the Qur’an
In the present time, all manner of things, including religious scriptures, are being subjected to investigation in the spirit of free inquiry. A permanent discipline has been set up for this special study, called historical criticism, or higher criticism. Under this general heading, all great religious scriptures, including the Qur’an and the Bible, have been subjected to historical inquiry.
The results of these studies are entirely in favor of the Qur’an. They show that the Qur’an is the only religious scripture which is a historically accredited work. The rest of the books, having been shown to be dogmatic rather than historical, have lost their formal status as purveyors of eternal truth. Such research has provided a new and powerful argument in favor of Quranic veracity. That is to say, it is only the Qur’an which enjoys historical credibility. No other religious scripture is of similar merit.
This scientific discovery has brought Islam to the position of undisputed victory, for no other religion is capable of facing this academic test.
Scientific Verification
In ancient times, superstitious notions about every object of nature were given great credence, as is evident from the literature of those days. Now in modern times, when nature has been scientifically studied, many ancient concepts have been discredited. Books written in the pre-scientific age are now suspect—as belonging to the age of superstition. Even religious scriptures have not emerged unscathed, for the periodic interpolation of superstitious notions has reduced them to the level of non-sacred literature.
The Qur’an, on the contrary, being a preserved book, is exceptionally free from such apocryphal additions. There are numerous references to nature in the Qur’an, but none of these descriptions clashes with facts discovered by science. After making a study of several such statements enshrined in the Qur’an, Dr Maurice Bucaille concludes:
"In view of the level of knowledge in Muhammad’s day,
it is inconceivable that many of the statements in
the Qur’an which are connected with science could
have been the work of a man. It is, moreover, perfectly
legitimate, not only to regard the Qur’an as the
expression of a Revelation, but also to award it a
very special place, on account of the guarantee of
authenticity it provides and the presence in it of
scientific statements which, when studied today,
appear as a challenge to explanation in human terms."
Passing Modern Tests
New methods to determine the antiquity of ancient objects have been evolved in modern times. One of these, called carbon-14 dating or radio-carbon dating, was developed just after the second world war. It gave the stamp of credibility to many facts which had hitherto remained unauthenticated. It was applied in one famous instance to a mummified body, believed to be that of Merneptah, a contemporary of Moses. The mummy, discovered by Professor Loret in one of Egypt’s pyramids, did amazingly prove to date back to the time of Moses, when subjected to this new technique of dating.
This same method of carbon dating was applied to the Shroud of Turin, an old linen cloth bearing the imprint of a human face—always thought to be the covering in which Christ was wrapped after his crucifixion. According to this belief, the cloth had to be two thousand years old. But carbon dating revealed that it dated back no further than the middle of the fourteenth century.
There are so many examples of this nature, that it is not possible to deal with all of them. Suffice it to say that they are symbolic of how modern sciences, on the one hand, discredit ancient religions while, on the other hand, they strengthen the credibility of Islam.
The Last Word
In modern times, great new opportunities have arisen for Islamic da‘wah. This has made it possible for the first time to fulfill the prediction of the word of God being brought into each and every home. They point the way to Islam gaining the position of an ideological super power on a universal scale. But there is one necessary condition which is indispensable to the achievement of this goal. We shall have to adopt the same strategy in modern times as that adopted by the Prophet of Islam in the 19th year of his prophethood.
This historical strategy has come to be called the Hudaybiyya principle. This entails putting an end to the kind of controversies which create tensions between the da‘i and the mad‘u. Without a normal atmosphere, free of friction, no da‘wah action can be set in motion. Today the same controversial situation has come to exist between da‘i and mad‘u as was found between the Prophet and his hearers after the emigration. We must, therefore, follow the same Hudaybiyya principle as the Prophet did. This is the demand of the times, and in this lies the secret of all Muslim success.

Ok, when I saw this, at first I thought looks kinda futuristic. But after reading what it was all about, I quickly thought to myself, thats really weird. What it is exactly is a new form of laptop docking station. Remember the days when we use to have those big bulky docking stations for our laptops, well this is something like that, but instead its an actual desktop like setup. You put the laptop behind the monitor and everything from the laptop is now on the the desktop/docking station. To be honest, it looks like a real weird idea. but hey, at first glance it looks rather cool.

There is every chance that anyone seeing this baby on your desk would call the cops. And the loony bin. It may look like the latest in serial killer trophies but this a mouse - or at least a conceptual mouse designed by an artist called Chris Lomaka. It's also the freakiest piece of potential PC gadgetry to pass by these tired eyes in some time. Pending on where you stand, this is just sick or, possibly, it's just a visually arresting physical representation of how we are now connected to, and possibly being absorbed by, the technology we use. I just made that up. Either way, the thought of having to stroke those hairs on the back of it every time I surfed is....I have to stop now, before the skin crawls off my body and leaves the building.

I like spy stuff. The idea of being a spy is always cool, what with the gadgets and chicks and all, but then along would come flashes of the whole captured/pliers/fingernails side of things and I would return meekly to my keyboard. But the fantasy still lives which is why I like this little hottie. The Self Guard (SG-210) is a portable audio and video recording device that uses a button - yes, a goddamn button as the camera. How spy is that? It also has a motion sensor to start recording as soon as the 'The Mark' moves. It has a measly 128Mb of onboard memory but this can be expanded using SD Cards. Battery life is 4.5 hours and the tally comes to roughly £400.

Now, I cannot tell you if this is going to lead up to a mainstream type of thing, but I can’t pitcure this thing be purchased on a mass type basis. Well, if you think about it, it could be something that is defintately in the works, being that this wasn’t the first attemtp of these wrist wearing computer thingy’s we saw so far. Remember Eurotechs WWPC. Aah, refreshed your memory huh.
Further more, Parvus (whoever they are. Just being honest.) has launched their wrist wearable computer. The Linux or Windows CE based machine depending on user preference - will operate over GPS, Bluetooth and WiFi. The WL 1000 also sports a 3.5″ QVGA touch screen, 11 key touchpad, and is powered by an AU 1100 processor running at 400mhz. Cool, nevertheless.