

Hisashiburi minna(its been a while) since i post something on my blog..and ofcourse u know the answer already..my exam this year was like hontoni rushing..and as always we, azraqjunior will muraja'ah last minute..its our trademark already to study right on time when the exam is like, tomorrow! setakat ani exam kami ada KO and some of them were OK..haha..our exam will be finish on 12-11..cant wait for that day!!but sometimes i thought exams was fun because its not like we always have exams desho?? and like i said NI'MATIN Imtihan...wohohhoho only zq members know the secret behind the capslock word..haha

oaky thats all i think haha my mom already called my name balik2..so chow..and jazakumullahu kahairil jaza fil imtihan to all zq members!!